Practical info

Accessibility Form

Welcome to another edition of the Hadra Trance Festival



Fill the Handi-form

Please complete this form so that we can guarantee you the best possible festival. To complete this form, you may need a digital medical certificate.


Whether you have a permanent or temporary disability, such as a sprain, ASD, deafness or pregnancy, you are entitled to have your needs taken into account in the preparation of our festival. Such as access to Handi-Camping, medication storage, etc.


Persons with a disability card or other medical certificate, as well as a valid festival ticket, are entitled to an invitation for their helper friend.


If you need, you can contact to prepare your arrival at the Hadra Trance Festival.


<h2>Form 2025</h2>
<a class=”btn” href=””>Fill the Handi-form</a>
