Pass festival

Our general terms and conditions of sale were updated in 2024.Please read them carefully before booking your festival pass. By purchasing a Hadra Trance Festival pass, you undertake to comply with the health and safety protocol in force on the date of entry to the festival site, which may be amended at any time in line with the latest legislation and directives.
General terms and conditions of sale
To be valid, this e-ticket (electronic ticket) is subject to BilletWeb’s general terms and conditions of sale, and to the conditions listed below, which you accept unreservedly when you place your order.
The only ways to buy a valid ticket are via the official website, the billetweb platform and our partner
Only our official partners (bottom of page) have the right to organise competitions with free tickets. We will never ask you for your payment details, only your name and email address.
4-day Pass: €160 inc.
4-day OnTour Pass: €155 incl. VAT (with Pass + Bus offer)
3-day pass: €140 incl. VAT (on sale from the end of June 2024)
- After payment, you will receive your pre-sale e-ticket with a number and a barcode. Print out this e-ticket or keep it on your mobile phone and present it at the entrance to the event to obtain your wristband.
Only this wristband will allow you free access to the different areas of the festival, as well as leaving the festival and returning if you wish.
It is essential to keep your wristband intact at all times. Any wristband that is damaged, cut, glued back on, etc. may be considered invalid and will result in your removal from the festival site, without reimbursement or compensation of any kind. - Pre-sales for this event are NOT nominative.
- The number on the ticket and the barcode guarantee that only one person will be allowed through during the checks.
Only the first person to present an e-ticket will be considered its legitimate owner and will be admitted to the event. Keep your e-ticket in a safe place. - Tickets for the Hadra Trance Festival are NON-REFUNDABLE.
- Hadra Trance Festival tickets are NOT RETURNABLE.
- Buy your tickets only at the official points of sale.
In accordance with article L 121-21-8 of the French Consumer Code, tickets for shows are not subject to a right of withdrawal.
Tickets for the Hadra Trance Festival are NON-REFUNDABLE.
However, during the ordering process, it is possible to subscribe to the Billetweb ‘Meetch’ insurance contract. Find out more here.
In the event of cancellation of the Hadra Trance Festival, only the ticket price (excluding hire costs) will be refunded by the organiser, and only to the persons who purchased the tickets. In this case, the terms of reimbursement will be defined at a later date.
A change in the programme does not entitle the holder to a full or partial refund.
It is forbidden to reproduce, use a copy, duplicate or counterfeit E-tickets or wristbands with a view to reselling them, under penalty of criminal prosecution.
Any order placed using an illegal means of payment to obtain an e-ticket will result in criminal prosecution and the invalidity of the e-ticket.
The Support Fee means paying a little more than the basic fee to support Hadra’s associative project and contribute to the development and sustainability of the festival and the other activities we run in parallel: TranceMission workshops, Hadra Records and Hadra AlterVision Records labels, support for artists, development of psychedelic culture, etc.
If you choose this rate, you’ll benefit from a ‘support’ membership of the Hadra association: an opportunity to make an active contribution to the association’s development!
You can choose a ‘support’ rate pass for €5, €10, €20 or €50.
During the order process, you will be given the option of paying for your ticket in instalments.
If you choose this option, for a ticket to be valid, the 2 payments will have to be made before 1 June 2025 according to the schedule you agreed when you made the initial payment.
PLEASE NOTE: failure to pay the full amount due will not entitle you to a refund of any payments made previously.
Did you recently celebrate your 18th birthday? The good news is that with Pass Culture you can get your festival pass for free.
To take advantage, you need to
have turned 18 this year (or last year if you have enough credits left)
download the ‘Pass Culture’ application and register
reserve a festival pass
Culture Passes may go on sale at a slightly later date than normal passes.
FREE access to the festival for minors UNDER 13 years of age accompanied by a parent or guardian who has completed a waiver at the ticket office and complies with the specific protocol set up by the organisers.
Minors will only be admitted to the Hadra Trance Festival if accompanied by a parent or guardian (please enclose supporting documents and/or family record book).
Valid photo ID may be requested at the festival entrance to prove your age.
Unaccompanied minors will not be admitted to the festival and will not be entitled to a refund of their ticket. The relevant authorities will be notified so that the minor can be escorted home safely.
This year, in order to improve the reception arrangements, and in agreement with the prefectural services, we are asking the ticket office to fill in a document specifying :
The contact details of the legal guardian attending the festival (surname/first name/telephone number), together with a copy of his/her ID,
The child’s full name,
An off-site contact to be notified in the event of an emergency (surname/first name/telephone number).
All minors will receive a wristband to gain access to the festival, as well as a second wristband specifying their status as minors and a ‘neckband’ badge, to be worn for the duration of the festival, with the information needed to identify them and the person responsible for them.
When you check in at the ticket office, our staff will also show you on a map the location of the three FFSS (Protection Civile) first-aid posts, which will serve as a meeting point in the event of a problem.
If you have a disability, whether permanent or temporary, that requires the presence of another person, you can get an invitation for the person accompanying you. You will still need to buy a festival pass for the accompanying person, as the invitation is for the accompanying person only.
All requests must be made in advance of the festival (no later than Monday 12 August 2024) using the ‘accessibility’ form on our website.
The invitation will be in the name of the disabled person (if the accompanying person changes). To enter the festival, the disabled person and the accompanying person must present themselves together with the festival pass and an identity document for each person. If one person arrives before the other, they will have to wait for them to enter the festival.
The accompanying person is subject to the same terms and conditions as the ticket purchased by the PRM.
Given the configuration of the venue and the atmosphere we wanted to create for the event, apart from occasional checks by security guards, there were no systematic checks on access to the stages.
It is therefore impossible for us to know who is leaving as agreed and who is staying longer than expected.
Access to the campsite (including toilets and showers) and car parks is included in all passes. Access to these areas is only permitted to holders of a valid pass.
Conformément à la réglementation, les animaux sont interdits sur le site.
Les personnes introduisant un animal dans l’enceinte du festival (y compris les campings et les parkings) se verront demander de quitter les lieux sans délai avec leur animal sans possibilité de remboursement.
Glass bottles or any other glass containers are strictly forbidden within the festival grounds. It is also forbidden to light fires on the festival and camping grounds.
It is understood that any person who uses oppressive, sexist, racist, homophobic, validist, transphobic or grossophobic language or behaviour has no place at the Hadra Trance Festival.
The organisers reserve the right to refuse entry or to remove the wristband and escort away from the festival site, without partial or total reimbursement, any person found to be guilty of such acts or words.
The information and data concerning you are necessary for the management of your order and our commercial relations. It is kept for the purposes of information and communication with you.
In accordance with the regulations on the protection of personal data, you may exercise your rights (consultation, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation and portability where applicable) by referring to the general terms and conditions of sale of BilletWeb, which remains the sole owner of your personal data.
To enable us to identify you more easily, please provide us with at least the following information: surname, first name and e-mail address. Requests for access to your personal data must be accompanied by valid photo identification. Please specify the address at which we can contact you in all your communications with the Hadra association.
Any person taking part in the Hadra Trance Festival grants, free of charge, the right to fix his/her image and voice by means of photography or video and the right to use them on all communication media, physical or digital, in connection with the said festival and/or the promotion of its activities, for a period of 10 years automatically renewed in the absence of refusal notified with three months’ notice, and on the territory of the European Union.
Ordering your presale for Hadra Trance Festival implies your full acceptance of the above conditions. If you have any questions about your pre-sale, please contact