Our best farewell to 2020…

Adieux 2020

Our best farewell to 2020…
and our best wishes for 2021 !

At the dawn of its twenty years, we are proud to write that the association has been able to hold on and find a balance during this period of crisis. In spite of an overturned daily life, numerous cancelled projects and a heavy absence of the Hadra Trance Festival, we are not losing direction and our determination is reinforced to welcome this year 2021 with open arms.

In spite of the impossibility to meet, initiatives have nevertheless been launched, projects are being set up and the music continues to flow in our headphones while waiting for it to make the lake and the Allier lands vibrate again. If we don’t know when our events and our associative rhythm will be able to resume normally, we can tell you that when they resume, they will be reinforced by a year of determination, of desire to go further, to do more and above all to do together.

We have every intention of celebrating 2021 with a documentary that advances, workshops and Trancemission events, actions concerning our establishment in Vieure and highlights in Grenoble, the cradle of the association. TWe defend psychedelic culture, the desire to get closer and to share, to strengthen social ties: we will not undermine these values that are so dear and precious to us in 2021.

We look forward to meeting you again, and we can’t wait to blow out our 20 candles beside you. Our dreams and desires for projects have only multiplied and it is with strength and determination that we will make them come true!

Save the Date: Videoconference with the Hadra association
On Saturday, January 16th at 3:30 pm, on the Discord platform, we invite you to a time of exchange in videoconference with the team of the association around the situation of Hadra as well as our future prospects. We will communicate the stream link soon on our networks with the connection instructions.

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